What We Do

Our Animal Care and Control Officers enforce state dog laws in Montgomery County and keep the public safe from animal-related health or safety dangers. They also educate the public and teach pet owners to be more responsible citizens.

Animal Care and Control Officers respond to requests for service from the public, police departments, etc. Routine responses include helping sick or injured dogs, locating stray dogs, pets running loose or at large, as well as pets who have bitten people or other animals. Animal Care and Control Officers will respond to your needs in uniform and a county vehicle.

To better help us help you, any or all of the following information may be useful:

  • Location of dog
  • Exact address of owner
  • Time owner is usually home
  • Time dog is normally running loose
  • Description of dog

Cruelty investigations

We respond to and investigate more than 1,200 reports of canine cruelty and neglect each year. We enforce State law (the Ohio Revised Code), and these laws are often outdated and do not always meet the needs of the people or the animals in our community. In many cases, we may be unable to file charges or address the issue through the legal process. Much effort is given, however, to educating and working with the owner to assist in the care and comfort of the pet. Please contact us at (937) 898-4457 whenever you are concerned about the welfare of a dog. Every legal attempt will be made to ensure the pet’s well-being.

Dog fighting

Dog fighting is a too-common occurrence in many communities, including Montgomery County. Dog fighting is a fourth-degree felony under Ohio law. Please contact us at (937) 898-4457 if you suspect dog fighting.

Main Office

Telephone (937) 898-4457
Fax            (937) 454-8139

Field Supervisor
Brian Baker

Field Service Request